Join us at Orland Square Mall for a signing of Steve Frederick’s book “Breakfast of Superheroes” June 24th | 12 pm CST
Orland Square 568 Orland Square Drive, Orland Park, IllinoisBUY BOOK June 24th | 12 pm CST Breakfast of Superheroes | Steve Frederick We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at […]
Join us at Woodfield Mall for a signing of Linda Ólafsdóttir’s book “I Dare! I Can! I Will!” June 24th | 1pm CST
WOODFIELD MALL EVENT Woodfield Mall, Space D301, Schaumburg, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK June 24th | 1pm CST I Dare! I Can! I Will! | Linda Ólafsdóttir We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be […]
Join us at Yorktown Center for a signing with 8 Authors | June 24th | 6 pm CST
We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's Bookstore. To ensure a smooth and efficient signing process, please present your receipt […]
Join us at Yorktown Center for a signing of Kate Robards book “The Three Deaths of Willa Stannard” July 1st | 1pm CST
Yorktown Space 120 Yorktown Shopping Center, Lombard, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK July 1st | 1pm CST The Three Deaths of Willa Stannard | Kate Robards We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be […]
Join us at Woodfield Mall for a signing of Mide Adeleye and Bria Jackson’s book ” When I See You ” July 22nd | 1pm
WOODFIELD MALL EVENT Woodfield Mall, Space D301, Schaumburg, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK July 22nd | 1pm When I See You | Mide Adeleye and Bria Jackson We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be […]
Join us at Woodfield Mall for a signing of Erin A. Craig’s new book “House of Roots and Ruin” | July 26th 6pm CST
BUY BOOK July 26th | 6pm House of Roots and Ruin | Erin A. Craig We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased […]
Join us at Woodfield Mall for a signing of Rekha S. Rajan’s books August 5th | 1PM CST
WOODFIELD MALL EVENT Woodfield Mall, Space D301, Schaumburg, IL, United StatesAugust 5th | 1PM CST We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's Bookstore. To ensure a smooth and efficient signing […]
Join us at Orland Square Mall for a signing of Mide Adeleye and Bria Jackson’s book ” When I See You ” August 12th | 1pm
Orland Square 568 Orland Square Drive, Orland Park, IllinoisBUY BOOK August 12th | 1pm When I See You | Mide Adeleye and Bria Jackson We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be […]
Join us at Hawthorn Mall for a signing of Steve Frederick’s book “Breakfast of Superheroes” August 12th | 2pm CST
Hawthorn Mall 102 Hawthorn Center, Vernon Hills, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK August 12th | 2pm CST Breakfast of Superheroes | Steve Frederick We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's […]
Join us at Yorktown Center for a signing of Debra Atlas’s book “You Aren’t Depression’s Victim” August 20th | 1pm CST
Yorktown Space 120 Yorktown Shopping Center, Lombard, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK August 20th | 1pm CST You Aren't Depression's Victim | Debra Atlas We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at […]
Join us at Woodfield Mall for a signing of Steve Frederick’s book “Breakfast of Superheroes” September 9th | 1pm CST
WOODFIELD MALL EVENT Woodfield Mall, Space D301, Schaumburg, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK September 9th | 1pm CST Breakfast of Superheroes | Steve Frederick We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's […]
Join us at Yorktown Center for a signing “Strange Attractors” With Janice Deal and Kathy Bergen September 14th | 7pm CST
Yorktown Space 120 Yorktown Shopping Center, Lombard, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK September 14th | 7pm CST Strange Attractors | Janice Deal We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's Bookstore. […]
Join us at Yorktown Center for a signing of L’Oreal Thompson Payton’s book “Stop Waiting for Perfect” September 15th | 6pm CST
Yorktown Space 120 Yorktown Shopping Center, Lombard, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK September 15th | 6pm CST Stop Waiting for Perfect | L'Oreal Thompson Payton We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased […]
Join us at Yorktown Center for a signing of Betsy Hill and Roger Stark’s book “Your Child Learns Differently, Now What?” September 16th | 1pm CST
Yorktown Space 120 Yorktown Shopping Center, Lombard, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK September 16th | 1pm Your Child Learns Differently, Now What? | Betsy Hill and Roger Stark We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it […]
Join us at Yorktown Mall for a signing of Stephanie Wilson-Coleman’s book “Self-Esteem Your Superpower” September 16th | 3pm CST
Yorktown Space 120 Yorktown Shopping Center, Lombard, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK September 16th | 3pm CST Self-Esteem Your Superpower | Stephanie Wilson-Coleman We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's […]
Join us at Hawthorn Mall for a signing of Joanna Rakowski’s book “Chasing the Daylight” September 30th | 2pm CST
Hawthorn Mall 102 Hawthorn Center, Vernon Hills, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK September 30th | 2pm CST Chasing the Daylight | Joanna Rakowski We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's […]
Join us at Hawthorn for a signing of Betsy Hill and Roger Stark’s book “Your Child Learns Differently, Now What?” October 7th | 2pm CST
Hawthorn Mall 102 Hawthorn Center, Vernon Hills, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK October 7th | 2pm CST Your Child Learns Differently, Now What? | Betsy Hill and Roger Stark We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, […]
Join us at Orland Square Mall for a signing of Paul Barile’s books October 7th | 2pm CST
Orland Square 568 Orland Square Drive, Orland Park, IllinoisOctober 7th | 2pm CST We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's Bookstore. To ensure a smooth and efficient signing […]
Join us at Yorktown Center for a signing of Steve Frederick’s book “Breakfast of Superheroes” October 14th | 1pm CST
Yorktown Space 120 Yorktown Shopping Center, Lombard, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK October 14th | 1pm CST Breakfast of Superheroes | Steve Frederick We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's […]
Join us at Orland Square for a signing of Laylah Richmond’s book “The Whole World Opened Up” October 14th | 2pm CST
Orland Square 568 Orland Square Drive, Orland Park, IllinoisBUY BOOK October 14th | 2pm CST The Whole World Opened Up | Laylah Richmond We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased […]
Join us at Yorktown Center for a signing of Joe Brocato’s book “Hit It Off” October 14th | 3PM CST
Yorktown Space 120 Yorktown Shopping Center, Lombard, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK October 14th | 3PM CST Hit It Off | Joe Brocato We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's […]
Join us at Yorktown Mall for a signing of Kelly Farmer’s book “It’s a Fabulous Life” and AMA October 20th | 7pm CST
Yorktown Space 120 Yorktown Shopping Center, Lombard, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK October 20th | 7pm CST It's a Fabulous Life | Kelly Farmer We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at […]
Join us at Orland Square for a conversation with Jude Atwood and Marcie Roman for the book “Maybe There Are Witches” OCT 21st | 1pm CST
Orland Square 568 Orland Square Drive, Orland Park, IllinoisBUY BOOK OCT 21st | 1pm CST Maybe There Are Witches | Jude Atwood We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at […]
Join us at Hawthorn Mall for a conversation with Jude Atwood and Marcie Roman for the book “Maybe There Are Witches” OCT 22nd | 1pm CST
Hawthorn Mall 102 Hawthorn Center, Vernon Hills, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK OCT 21st | 1pm CST Maybe There Are Witches | Jude Atwood We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at […]
Join us at Yorktown Center for a signing of Neal E. Fischer’s book “Behind the Screens” October 28th | 3pm CST
Yorktown Space 120 Yorktown Shopping Center, Lombard, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK October 28th | 3pm CST Behind the Screens | Neal E. Fischer We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at […]
Join us at Macys on State Street for a signing of Miguel A. Leal’s book “The House That Cheese Built” November 4th | 12pm CST
Macy's State Street 111 N. State Street, Lower Level, Chicago, ILBUY BOOK November 4th | 12pm CST The House That Cheese Built | Miguel A. Leal We request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased […]
Join us at Macy’s on State Street for a signing of Evan Moore and Jashvina Shah’s book “Game Misconduct” November 4th | 2 PM CST
Macy's State Street 111 N. State Street, Lower Level, Chicago, ILBUY BOOK November 4th | 2 PM CST Game Misconduct | Evan Moore We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's […]
Join us at Yorktown Center for a signing of Chris Quigg’s book “Grace in All Simplicity” November 10th | 7pm CST
Yorktown Space 120 Yorktown Shopping Center, Lombard, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK November 10th | 7pm CST Grace in All Simplicity | Chris Quigg We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at […]
Join us at Macy’s for a signing of Ralph Shayne’s book “Hour of Need” November 11th | 1pm CST
Macy's State Street 111 N. State Street, Lower Level, Chicago, ILBUY BOOK November 11th | 1pm CST Hour of Need | Ralph Shayne We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's […]
Join us at Orland Square for a signing of Tom & Joe Fenoglio’s book “Hunter Ninja Bear” November 11th | 2pm CST
Orland Square 568 Orland Square Drive, Orland Park, IllinoisNovember 11th | 2pm CST Hunter Ninja Bear | Tom & Joe Fenoglio We request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's Bookstore. […]
Join us at Woodfield Mall for a signing of Lisa Sun’s book “Gravitas” November 14th | 6:30-8:00 PM CST
WOODFIELD MALL EVENT Woodfield Mall, Space D301, Schaumburg, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK November 14th | 6:30-8:00 PM CST Gravitas | Lisa Sun We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's Bookstore. […]
Join us at Yorktown Center for a signing of George Ofman’s book “Tell Me a Story I Don’t Know” November 17th | 6:30 pm CST
Yorktown Space 120 Yorktown Shopping Center, Lombard, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK November 17th | 6:30 pm CST Tell Me a Story I Don't Know | George Ofman We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it […]
Join us at Yorktown Center for a signing and Story Time of Rekha S. Rajan’s books November 25th | 1pm CST
Yorktown Space 120 Yorktown Shopping Center, Lombard, IL, United StatesNovember 25th | 1pm CST We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's Bookstore. To ensure a smooth and efficient signing […]
Join us at Woodfield Mall for a signing of Wendy Altschuler’s book “Perfect Day Chicago” November 25th | 1-2pm CST
WOODFIELD MALL EVENT Woodfield Mall, Space D301, Schaumburg, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK November 25th | 1-2pm CST Perfect Day Chicago | Wendy Altschuler We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's […]
Join us at Hawthorn Mall for a signing of David Witter’s book “Amazing Chicago” November 25th | 2pm CST
Hawthorn Mall 102 Hawthorn Center, Vernon Hills, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK November 25th | 2pm CST Amazing Chicago | David Witter We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's Bookstore. […]
Join us at Woodfield Mall for a signing of Joe Brocato’s book “Hit It Off” November 25th | 3PM CST
WOODFIELD MALL EVENT Woodfield Mall, Space D301, Schaumburg, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK November 25th | 2PM CST Hit It Off | Joe Brocato We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's […]
Join us at Yorktown Mall for a signing of Stephanie Wilson-Coleman’s book “Self-Esteem Your Superpower” November 25th | 3pm CST
Yorktown Space 120 Yorktown Shopping Center, Lombard, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK November 25th | 3pm CST Self-Esteem Your Superpower | Stephanie Wilson-Coleman We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's […]
Join us at Hawthorn Mall for a signing of Wendy Altschuler’s book “Perfect Day Chicago” November 26th | 1-2pm CST
Hawthorn Mall 102 Hawthorn Center, Vernon Hills, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK November 26th | 1-2pm CST Perfect Day Chicago | Wendy Altschuler We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's […]
Join us at Hawthorn Mall for Live Music With Spanish Songwriter Juanfra Dimas | November 26th | 3pm CST
Hawthorn Mall 102 Hawthorn Center, Vernon Hills, IL, United StatesJoin us at Macys On State Street for a signing of Foster Hirsch’s book “Hollywood and the Movies of the Fifties” December 1st | 12pm CST
Macy's State Street 111 N. State Street, Lower Level, Chicago, ILBUY BOOK December 1st | 12pm CST Hollywood and the Movies of the Fifties | Foster Hirsch We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must […]
Join us at Yorktown Center for a Holiday Poetry Open Mic Night | December 1st | 6:00 to 8 pm
Yorktown Space 120 Yorktown Shopping Center, Lombard, IL, United StatesJoin us at Hawthorn Mall for a signing of Molly Page’s book “100 Things to Do in Chicago Before You Die” December 2nd | 12pm CST
Hawthorn Mall 102 Hawthorn Center, Vernon Hills, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK December 2nd | 12pm CST 100 Things to Do in Chicago Before You Die | Molly Page We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, […]
Join us at Orland Square for a signing of Diana Jeanne’s book “Samuel and the Magic Key” December 2nd | 1pm CST
Orland Square 568 Orland Square Drive, Orland Park, IllinoisDecember 2nd | 1pm CST Samuel and the Magic Key | Diana Jeanne We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's […]
Join us at Woodfield Mall for An Afternoon with Uday Kumar: The 16 Chakras for Inner Harmony and Peace | December 2nd | 1pm CST
WOODFIELD MALL EVENT Woodfield Mall, Space D301, Schaumburg, IL, United StatesJoin us for a 60-minute experiential workshop that will highlight the path to a balanced, integrated life. Inspired by the wisdom of Daaji's "Spiritual Anatomy," this session is designed for […]
Join us at Yorktown Center for a signing of Monica Eng and David Hammond’s book “Made in Chicago” December 2nd | 2pm CST
Yorktown Space 120 Yorktown Shopping Center, Lombard, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK December 2nd | 2pm CST Made in Chicago | Monica Eng and David Hammond We request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased […]
Join us at Hawthorn Mall for a signing of Joe Brocato’s book “Hit It Off” December 2nd | 3PM CST
Hawthorn Mall 102 Hawthorn Center, Vernon Hills, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK December 2nd | 3PM CST Hit It Off | Joe Brocato We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's […]
Join us at Woodfield Mall for a signing of Laylah and Sharon Richmond’s book “The Whole World Opened Up” December 2nd | 3pm CST
WOODFIELD MALL EVENT Woodfield Mall, Space D301, Schaumburg, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK December 2nd | 3pm CST The Whole World Opened Up | Laylah Richmond We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased […]
Join us at Orland Square for a signing of Wendy Altschuler’s book “Perfect Day Chicago” December 2nd | 3pm CST
Orland Square 568 Orland Square Drive, Orland Park, IllinoisBUY BOOK December 2nd | 3pm CST Perfect Day Chicago | Wendy Altschuler We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's […]
Join us at Yorktown Center for a signing of Wendy Altschuler’s book “Perfect Day Chicago” December 2nd | 5pm CST
Yorktown Space 120 Yorktown Shopping Center, Lombard, IL, United StatesBUY BOOK December 2nd | 5pm CST Perfect Day Chicago | Wendy Altschuler We kindly request that if you would like your book signed, it must be purchased at Barbara's […]
Join us at Yorktown Center for An Afternoon with Uday Kumar: The 16 Chakras for Inner Harmony and Peace | December 2nd | 5pm CST
Yorktown Space 120 Yorktown Shopping Center, Lombard, IL, United StatesJoin us for a 60-minute experiential workshop that will highlight the path to a balanced, integrated life. Inspired by the wisdom of Daaji's "Spiritual Anatomy," this session is designed for […]