Ms. Magazine Review: Pussypedia Is Changing the Way We Talk About Vaginas

Pussypedia | Zoe Mendelson, Maria Conejo  | BUY BOOK

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Review by ASHLEY LYNN PRIORE | Ms. Magazine | June 1, 2020

Pussypedia is a bilingual, gender and ability inclusive, illustrated encyclopedia of the vagina—and it recently won a Webby for People’s Voice Award for Education.

The Webby Awards, founded in 1997, honor the best of the internet; the New York Times calls it “the Internet’s highest honor.” Presented by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences (IADAS), Webby has honored celebrities like Kristen Bell and Miley Cyrus.  In winning, Pussypedia co-founders Zoe Mendelson and María Conejo beat out big-name organizations like NASA, TED, Masterclass, and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.

“I’m excited about the award because since this was an independent project, there’s not as much automatic legitimacy,” Mendelson told Ms. “We had extremely intense research and fact-checking processes. The information is airtight. But it’s one thing for us to say that that’s true and another to have it externally validated—especially for a project made by a large group of volunteers.”



Even in the age of the internet, there is a shocking lack of accurate, accessible information about pussies. Much of what is available is wrong, contradictory, or impossible to understand without a medical education, leaving us with more questions than answers.

If the clitoris and penis are the same size on average (yep it’s true), why is the word “small” in the definition of clitoris but missing from the definition of penis? Is squirt juice pee? How hairy are butt cracks generally? Are scented tampons dangerous? Why is labiaplasty on a rapid global rise? Does egg freezing really work?

From the creators of the wildly popular, Webby award-winning website by the same name, PUSSYPEDIA: A Comprehensive Guide offers an obsessive review of peer-reviewed science explained in simple, joyful language to answer all of the questions we have, and many we didn’t know we had yet.

With a forward written by author and sex education pioneer, Heather Corinna, the fully illustrated and gender-and-ability-inclusive PUSSYPEDIA not only gives the reader information but teaches them how to evaluate the quality of information and how to accept what we don’t know rather than search for neat conclusions. It also weaves in personal anecdotes from the authors and their friends––sometimes funny, sometimes sad, and often cringe-worthy––to ward off shame and encourage curiosity, agency, and delight.

Our generation’s Our Bodies, Ourselves with a healthy dose of fun, PUSSYPEDIA makes a great gift for your shy niece, your angsty teenager, your confused boyfriend, or yourself. 


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